Maryland State Library Agency (MSLA)


Who We Are

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​The Maryland State Library Agency (MSLA) supports local libraries in their mission to provide outstanding resources, programs, and customer service to all Marylanders. ​​MSLA serves over 3.3 million residents across 190 library branches and provides free access to computers, Wi-Fi, and educational and academic resources.​​​

Contact MSLA

Morgan Lehr Miller, State Librarian
Maryland State Library Agency
25 S. Charles St., Suite 1310
Baltimore MD 21201
Phone: (667) 219-4800
Fax: (667) 219-4798

MSLA Social Media

Contact Maryland LBPD

John Owen, Director
Maryland State Library
for the Blind and Print Disabled
415 Park Ave., Baltimore MD 21201
Phone: (410) 230-2424
Fax: (410) 333-2095

LBPD Social Media

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Stop fraud in state government.

2024 Regional Library of the Year

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.